West County Needs Assessment Study of Measure J Programs for Seniors and People with Disabilities


In February 2018, the WCCTC Board approved the West County Needs Assessment Study of Measure J Programs for Seniors and People with Disabilities; hereafter referred to as the Study.  The Study has three documents created to present information about services for senior and disabled residents in West County.  They include:

Executive Summary
Final Report


The goal of the Study was to evaluate existing West County paratransit programs funded by Measure J and determine potential enhancements, improved coordination, and possible new services to better meet the changing needs of the area’s senior and disabled residents.


WCCTC – using Measure J funds

STUDY Partners - Staff

East Bay Paratransit Consortium


City of El Cerrito

City of Richmond

City of San Pablo

Contra Costa County

Center for Independent Living

Mobility Matters

Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

Contra Costa Transportation Authority - CCTA